Reflecting on Disability Pride Month

Did you know July has been disability pride month? Sharing my thoughts on the month and ideas on how people can be good allies to disabled people.
Did you know July has been disability pride month? Sharing my thoughts on the month and ideas on how people can be good allies to disabled people.
Collaborating with Mind to highlight the crossovers of physical and mental health and accessibility
‘The most magical place of earth’ but just how disability friendly is Disneyland paris?
Join me for another A Chronic Voice Link-Up; talking about Researching, Finding, Dating, Reusing & Recounting
A little preparation goes a long way in the world of chronic illness, consider keeping a flare box
I asked members of The Tired Girls Society to help me come up with travel tips for when you’re Chronically Ill!
The idea of working from home can seem like a dream to some people but the truth can be a bit different…
March 25th marked Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) Awareness day, so I wanted to share my story to help with awareness for
Ever wondered what it’s like to lose your memory? To not even know your name? It happened to me, a fabled event known as ‘The Butternutting of 2016’…
I’d never heard of ESA but last year was advised to apply when signed off work for long term sickness. Here’s how the process went