Reflecting on Disability Pride Month

Did you know July has been disability pride month? Sharing my thoughts on the month and ideas on how people can be good allies to disabled people.
Did you know July has been disability pride month? Sharing my thoughts on the month and ideas on how people can be good allies to disabled people.
January is tough for a lot of people, keeping the conversation around mental health going is a great way to help work through it.
Join me for another A Chronic Voice Link-Up; talking about Researching, Finding, Dating, Reusing & Recounting
A little preparation goes a long way in the world of chronic illness, consider keeping a flare box
The world of invisible illnesses is complex and often tough to explain. Trying out a mobility aid has been pretty strange after years of ‘looking well’!
Check out my thought on this month’s prompts from A Chronic Voice
Come learn about CBD Oil, how it can help you and where to get it
Check out my thoughts on A Chronic Voice’s November prompts of; Meeting, Advocating, Tweaking, Working, Curating
Check out my thoughts for A Chronic Voices October Link-Up
A PSA for the importance of ensuring disability alarms work, in the hope experience doesn’t happen to others!