Review: Morrigan Dragon Age: Inquisition Gamingheads Statue

Hey all,

 I figure let’s start big for my first review!

Dragon Age is one of my all time favourite franchises- it’s an RPG (Role Playing Game) from Bioware which has given us three games, one expansion, multiple DLCs, table-top games, books, web series, cosplay inspiration and of course, figures.

I am openly a figure collector (it’s a problem seriously) so when I saw this insane figure from back in 2014 I knew I had to have it! Yep 2014…I finally got this in Nov 2017.. talk about a preorder.

Morrigan is a sassy, up to her own agenda mage in Dragon Age who i’ve cosplayed on several occasions. I love her attitude, style and power so she’s an all-time favourite character.


The Basics:

  • Dimensions: 19.5/50cm Inches tall
  • Artist: Kaushik Manna
  • Available: 2017
  • Material: High quality polystone resin
  • Price: £290 (owch)

The Box is simply huge! It was also super nice quality and had gorgeous artwork on it.

Morrigan comes in multiple pieces and sit together with magnets allowing her to be very solid and highly detailed as you can see below ( sorry for my pun :P)

Here are some additional photos of Morrigan, including some close-ups so you can appreciate the detail and paint-job.


I particularly enjoyed the lace on the dress and the sheer amount of detail in the outfit- plus they actually got a good face likeness to the character which can be soo hit and miss in figures and statues.

I thought the hair should have been a bit darker and the skirt could have done with more greenish tones to match the in-game model but overall this was a truly beautiful if very expensive statue and is a real gem in my collection!

Ruthy xo


3 thoughts on “Review: Morrigan Dragon Age: Inquisition Gamingheads Statue”

  1. Chris got me the limited edition one with the light up fire, except the battery for that part is a rare US only battery that didnt come with the model, unlike my Elder Scrolls Altmer elf by same company. I agree the colours are off, her hair is far too light, her face isnt quite right and the skirt should be green. I do plan to repaint mine to make the studs look more metal too.

    1. Glad it’s not just me on the colour scheme. You lucky thing getting the limited one!! Saw the pictures and it looked amazing. If you do repaint, would love to see 😀

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