Moon Goddess: Megusa Art Review

I’m a huge fan of art in a lot of different forms, but watercolour illustrations will always be my favourite, so when I saw Megusa Art’s artwork I knew I had to commission her! I think my love of them originated from Beatrix Potter books with the sweet watercolours of Tom kitten and Peter Rabbit. I also adored many fairy-tale watercolours and the Bramley Hedge and Flower Fairy stories.

I’m lucky to know a lot of talented artists through cosplay and but i’m a particular fan of Megusa Art’s dreamy work. From mice to Game of Thrones, you can check out her work at InstagramFacebook & Tumblr.

Moon Goddess Commission

I’m a wiccan with a belief in the ‘Moon Goddess’ and really liked the idea of having a proper painting of my image of the Goddess. I explained to Megusa how I wanted a very water based look and my colour scheme of blues, green and silver and Megusa worked to create this truly stunning image for me! I was so happy with how elegant and regal the figure looked which was really important to me with the painting.

I love the final piece and it hangs above one of my pagan shrines in my house!

You can see some of the creation process below. Megusa Art is available for commissions so if you want your own piece best to contact through Facebook.

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Not limited to Moon Goddesses, how insanely cute are these mice? I know the Moon Goddess won’t be the last time I commission Megusa Art and I hope so much to see her work in picture books one day!

Cheeky reminder, you  can view Megusa Art’s beautiful Instagram Here and find her Facebook page Here 😉

Thanks so much for my gorgeous artwork <3

Ruthy xo

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