Geeky Clean: A Nerdy Bath Lover’s Dream?

I’ve been meaning to write up a Geeky Clean Review for ages but not gotten round to it so let’s go!

This is a non sponsored post of my genuine opinion 🙂


Who are Geeky Clean?

Geeky Clean are an independent UK business who produce soaps, candles, bath bombs, lip balms and other cosmetics all with a geeky or popular culture theme. You can find fun products such as DND soaps and Philosopher’s Stone candles. Geeky Clean’s creator Stephanie is a lover of nerdy things (and birds) and ensures the brand is totally relevant pop culture wise and fun! Everything is handmade and animal cruelty free which I always massively prefer in a cosmetics company.

Where can I find them?

Geeky Clean mostly sell through their website but you can also find them at conventions across the UK such as MCM Expo and Thought Bubble. They have a general online range and then also offer subscription boxes! One box is is a candle crate with a different theme each month and the other is a YALC themed crate which is perfect for any book fan.

Examples of past Crates

Pros & Cons

As you’ve probably guessed from this, I’m a big fan of Geeky Clean’s products. Their products may be on the pricey side but you’re paying for quality and supporting an independent business. I’ve always had great customer service from the team and their Instagram is full of behind the scenes looks.

As a self confessed bath addict and massive nerd, I love the themed products and supporting an independent company. My number one item is absolutely the space bath sherbet- it smells like heaven and makes the bath beautiful purple and pink colours. Perfect! I also recommend the Mermaid Bath bomb and Comic Con one.

I’m also a big fan of their candles, specially the unicorn breakfast candle. It smells like fruit loops and caramel and is just delicious! I’ve used the room sprays (and love that you can have custom orders- I’ve had some custom sprays) and definitely recommend them. The brand have changed their monthly boxes from the mixed products to candle themed which I personally think it a good thing as much as I loved the old boxes, I had a huge build up of soaps I wasn’t really using.

Personally I hope the brand keep expanding their range and properly venture into hair care products. I love their focus on fantasy books and YALC and keep my fingers  crossed for more Lord of the Rings products…

Until the next time,



Check out my Review: Organic Shop: Hair Care

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