AloeVeritas Thermal Lotion

A while ago I reviewed AloeVeritas‘s AloeMD cream. The aloe vera based cream was amazing for pain relief and helped rejuvenate skin cells when applied. I had a good experience with the AloeMD cream so was curious to try the Thermal Lotion when offered the chance! I received the product in return for a fair review



What’s the Thermal Lotion meant to do?

The Thermal Lotion is specifically developed to ease muscle pain and stiffness. It’s ideal as a pre or post workout treatment and great for stiff shoulders or tense wrists. I used it for costochontritus pain and also for my shoulders which I get pain and stiffness in.

The lotion offers a natural alternative or addition to painkillers and is a useful on the go or at home fast solution to muscle pain. It contains Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, macadamia nut oil and menthol oil to sooth aches and pains and not leave your skin dry. For chronic pain sufferers, it’s nice to be able to just rub it in and experience some pretty fast pain relief!

How did I find it?

I found the cream to be somewhere in between Biofreeze and Deep Heat. It smelt pretty light and a lot more pleasant than Deep Heat and warmed my skin a bit where applied. I found I didn’t need much lotion and it went a pretty long way.

The lotion was great on my shoulders and really helped relax them and the muscle pain I get there. It wasn’t an instant effect, but after about 5 minutes I felt a nice sensation and a definite reduction in pain. It also didn’t burn my skin in the way some other pain gels have- so that’s a definite plus!

If you’re keen, you can purchase the Thermal Lotion Here! At 19.95USD for 170 mil, I think it’s pretty reasonable given you don’t need to use a lot. It’s ideal to keep in a flare box or in your gym kit for aiding relaxing post workout.

Want to try AloeMD?

If the Thermal Lotion caught your interest and you’d be keen to try the sister product AloeMD, you can sign up at When you sign up to try state “Control Number R1776” when asked for a control number. AloeMD is also available to purchase Here.

By registering you can receive a three day trial of the cream and the chance to respond on how you found it. If you’re curious about the project or on the fence about its abilities I really recommend the trial!

If any of you try AloeMD or the Thermal Lotion- let me know 🙂 To read more of my main management ideas, check out Read Here


Ruthy xo

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