AloeMD-Natural Pain Relief

Hi all, I received a three day sample of US company AloeVeritas’s new pain relief product AloeMD in return for a fair review. As many of you know I live with various chronic pain and health conditions so am always looking for new pain relief methods!


What is AloeMD?

AloeMD is a new clinically tested pain relief cream made primarily from Aloe Vera gel. The natural remedy is proudly free of Parabens, Opioids, Steroids & NSAIDS. Aloe Vera gel of course comes from the inner leaf of the Aloe Vera plant and has been used for centuries to treat burns, dry skin and  a multitude of other issues. AloeMD combines this gel with a number of other oils and natural ingredients to create a cellular therapy gel which reduces pain and encourages repair.

Why is it Worth Trying?

In a world where so many people take prescription pain killers, this cream is targeted as an alternative to taking Opioid based drugs such as morphine and codeine. There are many risks associated to continuous opioid consumption such as strokes, addiction, depression and constipation! Of course, for people in intense pain, these side effects are the lesser of two evils are end up becoming part of their lives, but thankfully more companies are exploring natural based remedies which avoid those side effects.

My Experience

Like I said, I received a three day amount of the cream to be applied three times per day. I decided to focus on my right shoulder which gets a lot of chronic pain due to my seizures causing me to repeatedly hit the area on the ground. My shoulder frequently seizes up and aches with pain and i’ve made use of heat packs, codeine and biofreeze over the years to treat it.

AloeMD smells pleasant and is cool to the touch. I found a small amount of the product went a long way and it had a lovely cooling sensation on my shoulder as I rubbed it in. There wasn’t an instant pain relief, except the cooling sensation, but after around ten minutes my shoulder felt somehow lighter, definitely less stuff and less painful than before. I can’t say the product made my shoulder totally pain free but it certainly reduced the pain level significantly and I would be keen to make future use of the cream!

Want to try AloeMD?

If this product has caught your interest and you’d be keen to try AloeMD, you can sign up at When you sign up to try state “Control Number R1776” when asked for a control number. AloeMD is also available to purchase Here.

By registering you can receive a three day trial of the cream and the chance to respond on how you found it. If you’re curious about the project or on the fence about its abilities I really recommend the trial!

If any of you try AloeMD- let me know 🙂 To read more of my main management ideas, check out Read Here


Ruthy xo

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