Xmas Gift Ideas for your Chronically Ill Friend

Somehow it’s already November, it’s pretty chilly in ye olde England and the shops are full of Christmas gear. Although I personally celebrate Yule, I enjoy the Christmas season and the fun of it all- including of course, presents! I thought i’d put together a list of useful gift ideas for chronically ill people, spoonies and to be honest sleepy, cold people too!

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Epsom Bath Salts

As a chronic pain sufferer, I take a lot of hot baths and whilst I enjoy Lush and Geeky Clean products a lot for the scents and colours, for pain relief it’s gotta be Epsom Bath Salts. Epsom Salts are a mild diuretic which help relax the muscles and joints and help reduce pain and swelling. I’ve used a lot of different brands but like The Eco Bath the most. The magnesium in the bath salts is what really helps relax the muscles and I really recommend them as a thoughtful and relaxing gift for someone with muscle or joint pain.


Books are a wonderful gift, I personally love getting lost in one, and sharing a story is always a special gift. However, many ill people struggle with concentration, brain fog or holding an object still. Audiobooks can be a brilliant solution to this! I like that I can have so many stories on my phone and find it much easier and often comforting to have them as audiobooks. If you know someone who’s stuck at home, consider helping them the pass the time with your favourite story.

You can buy single audiobooks of course or I use Audible personally and pay for the one credit a month plan. You can gift Audible in 3,6 or 12 month amounts Here

A YuYu bottle

Practical, functional and available in a load of different colours and styles- these hot water bottles are game changers for those with chronic pain who want to be able to get about the house whilst applying heat.

I’ve spoken about YuYu bottles in a previous post but they really do help make it easier to get things done with pain conditions. They also make such good and thoughtful presents I thought i’d include them again here!

A Bath Tray

For many, a hot bath is a rare moment of pain reduction or relaxation. To help make these times better, bath accessories are great gifts! Bath trays have slots for glasses, books and mugs and are so useful and luxurious feeling!

My fiance bought me a bath tray and pillow which mean I can really unwind in the bath in better comfort and get some R&R. There’s a similar tray Here

Healing Artwork

Your ill friend is quite likely stuck in bed a lot so give them something lovely to look at! Whether it’s a photo montage of you and them or beautiful artwork with a deeper meaning-it’ll be appreciated.

I’d personally recommend the gorgeous artwork of Destiny Blue, a very talented UK artist who openly talks and paint about mental health issues. Blue’s artwork looks at struggles, inner beauty and emotions through a beautifully colourful medium. I have one of Blue’s pieces in my house and it’s been a true comfort to look at whilst stuck in bed.

Your Time

It may sound super cheesy, but a lot of chronically ill people are housebound to some extent. It might be they just miss social meet-ups sometimes, or that they can’t go out alone- regardless, your time will mean that much more to someone. Maybe offer a cosy night in, to come over and make dinner, or just to watch films. If you’re creative, homemade gifts such as candles or body scrubs also show your friend you care.

Those with long term health issues can often struggle with guilt over their health conditions and may find it difficult to express they’re lonely so give them the gift of reaching out.

A Heated Blanket

A very lovely friend of mine bought me an electric blanket last year and honestly it’s been the best gift ever! A lot of chronically ill people struggle with chronic pain and these blankets are amazing for cocooning in for pain relief. They’re also incredibly snuggly and useful if you’re prone to feeling the cold- just amazing. Most have varying settings for heat and include a timer which is great for naps. I’ve used my electric blanket so much and am always thanking the friend who bought me it!

I hope these ideas help anyone thinking of gifts for Xmas or really any time! Good luck shopping 🙂


Ruthy xo

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