So as i’ve mentioned before, i’ve been mostly self teaching and making use of online videos for pole dancing! Quite a few of my friends go to Herts Dance and Fitness pole classes and i’ve been fortunate enough to attend a few classes in the past before a bad burst of health stopped me going on a weekly basis and escalated đ Since then i’ve moved too far away to attend the classes but my friends still attend and are making incredible progress as pole dancers. One of these lovely friends Mercy Nova Pole came over to run me through some pole moves!
This week in pole move attempts…
Martini Glass
The aim of this move is to create a martini glass shape with your body with one leg and one arm with your other leg dropping down like the stem of the glass. I needed to have gotten my leg a bit higher up ideally but happy for a first attempt!
This pose involves climbing up the pole and hooking one leg higher, securely holding the pole behind your knee. You then hold that hooked leg’s foot, drop the other leg and lean back to ‘stargaze’. I need to get more lean with this pose so keen to practice!
Jagged EdgeÂ
This is one of my new favoruite poses! I love the lines you create with the jagged edge! You hook one leg high up the pole and place one hand above and the other below. You then bring your other leg straight behind the pole and let go with the lower hand.
Reverse Backhook Spin
I’ve always wanted to be able to do a Reverse Back Hook spin and Mercy Nova Pole was amazing at teaching me and helping me feel confident enough to really spin into the move!
I think i’ll try and put a routine together next!!
Ruthy xo
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