A Chronic Voice: January Link-Up 2019

Hope everyone’s recovering from the festive period and the New Year’s treating you kindly so far! I thought i’d kick off my 2019 blogging with A Chronic Voice ‘s January Link-Up. This month focuses on the following themes;

  • Establishing
  • Dedicating
  • Breaking
  • Strengthening
  • Allowing


One of my hopes for this year is to establish an online store of crystal-themed candles and bath products. Having established my blog last year, I’m looking to build on it and expand! I’ve been doing a lot of research into the legal and financial sides of this and learning how it would work and what i’d need to get approved.

For now i’m working out my potential product range and hoping to start with just candles and wax melts! It won’t be my main income at all, but i’d love to have something creative to do and share!


January 2019 bring for me a charming anniversary of 10 years of having seizures. Not really something to dedicate the month to but it does make me stop and think about things. My seizures came out of nowhere when I was 17 and have impacted my life massively, no way about it.

Having a disability like that means you have to dedicate time planning how to keep yourself safe and checking in with yourself. I’ve worked hard to have a life and career around them  and think i’ve done okay regardless!


Something I truly want to work on this year is not letting myself reach breaking point. Last year was ridiculously hard with pain and surgery and being off work for so long. The worst bit was the isolation though. I struggled a lot and hit breaking point a couple of times. I’m very fortunate I have a good friendships who helped.

I hope I can keep practicing mindfulness and remembering to check in with myself and most importantly, to just breathe.


I want to continue strengthening my spiritual side in 2019. I’ve been a practicing Wiccan a long time now, but my journey with nature and my beliefs is never over. I’ve recently started an inside herb garden so even on bad days I can be surrounded by a bit of nature and hope to be able to use the herbs in both cooking and pagan practices!

I love crafting and creating things but haven’t been well enough to do a lot of it the past year. Hopefully I can reconnect with it all this year.


In a post where i’ve talked about so many goals and hopes it’s important to just allow myself to be. I’m getting used to the idea that i’m disabled and finding ways to deal with that without letting it feel like it’s all that I am. I think I have to allow myself the time and chance to find a good balance of work, life and health which’ll ultimately let me feel happier!

I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2019!

These January Link-Up topics have been great to work through as always. Thanks to A Chronic Voice! You can read my last Link Up entry Here


Ruthy xo

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4 thoughts on “A Chronic Voice: January Link-Up 2019”

  1. Hi, Ruthy! I like crafting and creating as well. I hope your candle/wax melts goes well for you. I’m focusing more on being right now than doing. too.

  2. Hey Ruthy, thanks for joining us again! x The herb garden sounds like such a fab idea, let me know what sort of stuff you’ve concocted with it over the next few months! 😉 And I too agree on the getting used to being disabled bit. I’m actually comfortable with the idea now, and it feels liberating. 🙂 Wishing you a lovely January and 2019!

  3. Hi again Ruthy

    And a Happy New Year to you too! I really hope you find the time for your crafting and creating plans, it sounds like such a wonderful idea and I know that it can be such a great distraction from symptoms. I love the idea of crafting and creating but am not very artistic and lack dexterity for a lot of things. And I hope that you are able to work on getting used to being disabled, I know that acceptance can be hard and a long process, but it can make such a difference in feeling happier and content.

    Wishing you all the best

    Rhiann x

    1. It’s funny to think it’s been ten years and i’m still coming around to the idea but there truly is no handbook on ‘how to be disabled’! I know you’re right in the importance of acceptance and I hope I can keep getting to be in a better place with it 🙂 Thank you so much for the good wishes Rhiann 🙂

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