An Introduction to Cosplay

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Cosplay, or the art of dressing up as characters from games, films and animes is a hobby which has been increasingly gaining in popularity the past decade. Originating from japan as ‘コスプレ kosupure’ the hobby has long been partaken across the globe but the last few year’s focus on geekdom and comics has sent it into being almost mainstream!

Tauriel- Photography by


Why do people cosplay?

With Game of Thrones Star Jason Momoa

For many, cosplaying is escapism, a chance to be whoever or whatever you want, learn new skills and most importantly meet like minded people. Most cosplayers attend conventions and expos across the globe. These range from the massive San Diego comic con to London MCM comic con and then smaller charity run conventions like Amecon and Kitcon.

At these cons, people wear their cosplays, take part in photo shoots and masquerades, meet guests, attend panels and have a laugh with other fans. Some cosplayers have achieved fame in the community, my favourite being the incredible Kamui Cosplay who creates incredible costumes and props and offers useful tutorials!

What does Cosplay mean to me?

Photo by Dragon Age Group

Back in 2008 a friend of mine asked if I fancied going along to London MCM expo. She told me lots of people went in ‘fancy dress’ and asked if I’d like to do that too! Having always loved dressing up, I absolutely did!I’ve now cosplayed many of my favourite characters and make my own costumes. I tend to choose powerful, strong female characters- I love to dress as characters I’d love to be!

Cosplay is escapism and social for me- lots of my friends to it too and it’s always so much fun getting a whole group together from a tv show or game!

Do you want to try Cosplaying?

As Morrigan Photography by

It’s so much fun and doesn’t need to be expensive. Look out for your local comic con or smaller conventions, go along and have fun! You can cosplay anything, form Harry Potter to LOTR to Pokemon. There are masquerades and competitions at cons to enter if you want to but the main thing is to express yourself and have fun 🙂

If you want to see more of my cosplays, check out my cosplay gallery Here

Until the next time,

Ruthy xoxo

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