Gale Dekarios – Baldurs Gate III

Gale Dekarios – Baldurs Gate III, The Protecty Sparkswall robe

After playing Baldurs Gate III, I knew I absolutely had to make Gale – that charming wizard with the ego complex was my favourite by far. I initially made his camp outfit for Hotaru con 2023 as it was comfy and fairly simple (other than the strange medieval chaps!), but I knew I wanted to make a full robe too. I modified an old simplicity robe pattern and went with my favourite colour options from the game. I wanted to make it a little more elaborate than Gale’s standard robe (which I also ended up making) so I went with my take on the Protecty Sparkswall robe found in Act I of the game. I used a thick polycotton for the base robe and scuba for the red parts. Worbla for the metal clasps and pleather for the braces and belt. For the circlet, I thrifted on Vinted and combined some old jewellery. The boots and staff I bought- the staff is a proper walking stick which is ideal as I use a mobility aid normally. I also created a Necromancy of Thay prop to go with this costume.

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